Cheer Up

Depression can have negative effects on how you feel, think and act.

dear mind: cheer up

Depression can have negative effects on how you feel, think and act. Although depression can occur at any stage of life, the symptoms can be different based upon one’s age. Particularly in teenage years it can be harder to differentiate “normal” teen ups and downs (social and hormonal changes) from depression. Symptoms of depression can present in emotional or behavioral changes. Emotional changes may include: sadness, feeling empty or hopeless, irritability, loss of interest in activities or feelings of worthlessness. Possible behavioral changes are: change in sleep patterns, socially isolating, poor attendance at school (or work) or angry outbursts.

Early identification and treatment are key to positive outcomes. Depression typically doesn’t get better on its own. If left untreated, symptoms will likely get worse. Don’t delay. Treatment is available and recovery is possible.

Factors that can contribute to depression

  • Brain Chemistry
  • Hormones
  • Trauma
  • Learned patterns of negative thinking
  • Increasing student loan debt
  • Decrease of job stability
  • Decrease in natural supports
  • Increase in the cost of living
  • Increased stress surrounding grades and extracurricular activities at school
  • Substance/Alcohol use, especially starting at a young age
  • On-going high levels of stress
  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Having a chronic medical condition
  • Lacking a positive support system regarding one’s sexuality and/or gender identity

Please note: Online screening tools are a quick overview of common symptoms and are not used alone to make a diagnosis. To discuss the results of a screening tool, please schedule an appointment with a healthcare or behavioral health professional.

Resources and Tools


Daylio enables you to keep a private journal without having to type a single line. Try this beautifully designed micro-diary app right now for FREE!

Pick your mood and add activities you have been doing during the day. You can also add notes and keep an old school diary. Daylio is collecting recorded moods and activities in the statistics and calendar. This format will help you to understand your habits better. Keep track of your activities and create patterns to become more productive!

Depression CBT

Learn to control the stress that contributes to depression.


Use it for notes, journaling or organizing your thoughts and feelings. App features audio journaling, dictation and notebook options.